Beacon Bridge and SFBI present Beacon Way Day 2015

Beacon Bridge and SFBI are excited to announce Beacon Way Day 2015: Rise and Shine! BWD is an annual professional development event organized and led by Beacon staff, for their fellow staff working in Beacon programs. This year the theme is Rise and Shine - RISING UP to be the leader you are meant to be, and SHINING like a Beacon for all to see. Each year we solicit proposals from staff on relevant topics in youth development and expanded learning. We will have workshops for staff working with younger youth, older youth, and for staff who are aspiring to step into greater positions of leadership. Workshops include:

 BWD 2015 will take place on Tuesday, March 24th from 9am-1pm. It will be held at the Cesar Chavez Student Center on the SF State campus. If you are Beacon staff, you can register now at  


New Beacon Opening at Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School!


My Beacon Story: Sylvia Yee